Well everyone, here’s my latest gem. Weighing in at a monster 19,250 carats (3.85 kg/8.5 lb)!
Designed and executed by Celine and Allan, this beauty was finally completed at 10:06 pm Monday March 16, after 41 weeks and 3 days of effort.
We call her Juliette, and she’s the only gem I’ve produced recently that has not suffered from the Omni faceting machine’s terrible construction!
Hi Allen,
I completely agree with you, your letest Gem worth more than everything
even better than Cullinan or Centenary.
Very cute !! congratulation.
Thank you! I’m very biased on this matter however…
She’s now 28 days old and now weighs in at 10 lbs 4 oz – getting bigger every day and heavy enough to make my shoulders ache.
But she’s a good girl and despite today’s anomalous behavior (she hasn’t slept all day and has been fussing for most of it) she sleeps well at night and generally is pretty low maintenance.
I’m crossing my fingers she stays this way!
As a pediatrician, I do not believe I have seen one cuter. And like most little girls (vs boys) she has more hair than she deserves!!! If she has little bumps that look like little “hives”, they are nothing and have the name of erythema toxicum (however, they are not toxic!!! If she develops a fine acne looking rash on the face, upper chest and forehead, wash her face with a mild soap (ie: ivory or baby Johnson’s) Most will say do not use soap on the face, but if used just once a day and it is mild, then there is nothing to worry about (got to cut through the skin oil. Lynn Barlow