In addition to the tourmalines that I posted earlier, here’s a pic of the other stones I managed to cut this past year.

Cut Gemstone Suite #2 – Pakistani Peridot, Strontium Titanate, Colour-Shift Garnet, Mahenge Spinel
Clockwise from top left:
2.67 ct Pakistani Peridot; 6.40 ct Strontium Titanate; 2.95 ct Pakistani Peridot; 1.07 ct Colour-shift Garnet (current peach to violet pink), 1.22 ct Mahenge Spinel
Dear Allan,
I have just finished writing ‘The Handbook of Gemmology’ which will feature the photographs of Tino Hammid. I would love to use your photograph that shows the 6.40ct Strontium Titanate and I was wondering if you would grant me permission. If so, do you have a high res image of the grouping that shows the Strontium Titanate in at least 300Dpi.
I will be happy to include your name and/or company in the acknowledgements section of the book.
I am in Peru at the moment but I also live in Vancouver, B.C.
I hope to hear from you.
Geoff Dominy FGA (with Dist)
Hi Geoff – I’m just about to head away on vacation for a couple of weeks. I’d be pleased to give you permission to publish the photo with credits.
I will get back to you in early March when I’m back.